The story begins with communications. I was inspired to begin this site after the encouragement of peers and advisers. New Media is a fundamental component of the twenty-first century, and thus a piece of my/our generation. We need to look no further than the revolutionary presidential campaign of Barack Obama to see the impact of the internet on our world. And it is a field I am interested in exploring - hands on.

I first dipped my toe in the waters of these bedazzled blogs as a means of communicating with friends and family while abroad. Once I returned to the US, just a blessed cell phone call away, I returned the standard practice of calling, texting and the occassional photo text. There is an entire world of gadgets and techoology out there to be explored. This include the blackberry or iphone; getting my Twitter on while riding the subway or in the grocery store.

First things first, however - set up a blog. I hope this to be as engaging and interactive as possible,  a venue for thoughts and ideas. Let's see where this Web 2.0 leads us.

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